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BassBox 2011 (version 2.60)

Started by Patrice Terrier, January 07, 2009, 09:03:47 PM

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Patrice Terrier

BassBox 2.60 setup

This package is provided with the latest 2.60 plugins source code (C:\BassBox\BBplugin\PluginSourceCode.zip).

Compatible with the Bass.dll API version 2.4

BBsetup_2_60.exe allows you to install the audio player on XP, VISTA, and Windows 7.

Aug 13,2011  Version 2.60, all plugins and the player have been updated, to disable wglSwapIntervalEXT when DWM is running, reducing CPU footprint drastically.
Aug 07,2011  Version 2.58, with new plugins, mp3 ID3 tag "cover art" support, optional higher FPS rate speed.
Nov 18,2009  Version 2.53 a problem with WMA files has been fixed (offset & length improperly declared as DWORD instead of QUAD).
Sep 16,2009  Version 2.52 with AAC support + audio stream soundmap.
Jan 31,2009  Version 2.50 with full screen mode.
Jan 25,2009  Version 2.10 with new plugins.
Dec 14,2008  Added new Flashback plugin.
Jul 27,2008  Enhanced to use the latest Skin Engine.
Apr 09,2008  Last plugin being used is saved/retrieved between sessions.
Apr 06,2008  Upgraded to work with Bass.dll version 2.4.
Dec 24,2007  New plugin + media length.
Dec 23,2007  Oscilloscope doesn't require anymore a multiplex audio card.
Dec 21,2007  Added real time oscilloscope.
Dec 16,2007  Unlimited number of visual plugins.
Dec 15,2007  CD-Audio support.
Dec 09,2007  New plugin with BassBox logo.
Nov 22,2007  New plugins + the visual.dll can use any name.
Nov 17,2007  Plugin's self detection.
Nov 16,2007  Plugin's multi-texture support.
Nov 12,2007  Start of this help file.
Nov 06,2007  New visual plugin: "Sonic Circle".
Nov 04,2007  Music Tracker support: it, xm, s3m, mtm, mod, umx, mo3.
Nov 03,2007  Keyboard support for visual plugins.
Nov 03,2007  New visual plugin: "Laser Borealis".
Nov 02,2007  NET audio streaming capture, saved to the "NetCapture\" folder.
Nov 01,2007  BBP playlist + URL audio streaming.
Oct 31,2007  Audio FFT and mouse support for visual plugins.
Oct 30,2007  Built-in plugin support for 32-bit ABGR OpenGL texture.
Oct 29,2007  New visual plugin; "Fireworks".
Oct 26,2007  Complete folder drag an drop allowed on the BassBox desktop icon.
Oct 25,2007  New buttons to change the player's background.
Oct 24,2007  New visual plugin: "PolyHedra".
Oct 23,2007  PLUGIN format definition.
Oct 21,2007  Drag and drop of single or embedded folders.
Oct 18,2007  Player's image background support.
Oct 16,2007  WMA audio support.
Oct 14,2007  ID3 TAG support.
Oct 13,2007  10-band equalizer.
Oct 12,2007  New visual plugins: "Mikado" and "Stick Dance".
Oct 11,2007  Search trackbar + audio format: ogg, wav, aif.
Oct 10,2007  Stereo channel view metter with vanishing LEDs.

Vous trouverez des informations détaillées sur BassBox en français ici.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Petr Schreiber

Hi Patrice,

Ring is good, but I like Interference a bit more - it looks more alive to me.
But both are very nice ones :)

AMD Sempron 3400+ | 1GB RAM @ 533MHz | GeForce 6200 / GeForce 9500GT | 32bit Windows XP SP3


Patrice Terrier

The BassBox 2.10 public setup is attached to the first post of this thread.

Because some of the first plugins were not compatible with VISTA (those flickering with DWM), they have been removed from setup.
But they are still available from the main BassBox thread.
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

BassBox version 2.50, goes full screen.

To switch back from full screen mode press either:
Space bar, Escape key, TAB key

Note: The full screen mode is able to work with single or multi-monitor config.
In case of dual display (multi-monitor) you can still use drag and drop, from Explorer onto the OpenGL full screen display.

The "Full screen" button is located onto the right corner below the "close" button.

Public SETUP is attached to the first post of this thread.

PS: This build has been only checked with VISTA 64.
Please, let me know if it also works with XP and VISTA 32-bit.


Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Petr Schreiber

Hi Patrice,

thanks, worked well on XP SP2.
Just in fullscreen mode not whole window is covered, and I can also see round corners of the window.

I have 1280x1024 resolution.


P.S. I think for "normal" users the FPS counter is redundant. We know FPS is not in thousands of frames because you try to make it with low CPU footprint, but "common user" could think "Just X FPS? That is slow program...".
AMD Sempron 3400+ | 1GB RAM @ 533MHz | GeForce 6200 / GeForce 9500GT | 32bit Windows XP SP3


Patrice Terrier


Your feedback is realy appreciated, thank you!

I have attached a new ZIP file to the first post of this thread to fix the region problem.

Indeed, while testing on dual monitor, i removed 20 pixels on the window width and height and i forgot to restore the good value.

I had to work around a Windows bug in dual display that would erase the second display if using the full display size to enlarge the OpenGL view port, it must be one pixel less than the real size:

CALL MoveWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_VISUAL), 0, 0, tmi.rcMonitor.nRight - tmi.rcMonitor.nLeft, tmi.rcMonitor.nBottom - tmi.rcMonitor.nTop - 1, 0)

Here is the code i am using to switch the BassBox display:

              gbFullScreen = NOT gbFullScreen
              IF gbFullScreen THEN

                 FOR K = %ID_BTN_PLAY TO %ID_FULLSCREEN
                     SELECT CASE LONG K
                     CASE %ID_PlayList, %ID_Background, %ID_PlugList
                     CASE ELSE
                         CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(K), %SW_HIDE)
                     END SELECT
                 FOR K = 0 TO gnPluginCount -1
                     CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_PLUGIN_FIRST + K), %SW_HIDE)
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_RESTORE), %SW_HIDE)
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_MAXIMIZE), %SW_HIDE)
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_CLOSE), %SW_HIDE)
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_MINIMIZE), %SW_HIDE)
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_LED), %SW_HIDE)

                 CALL zPAINTBACKCOLOR(zColorARGB(255, 0), 1)

                 CALL zSplitColorARGB(nACTIVECAPTION, cAlpha, Red, Green, Blue)
                 gColorCaption = zColorARGB(16, RGB(Red, Green, Blue))
                 CALL zACTIVECAPTION(gColorCaption, %WRITE)
                 CALL zINACTIVECAPTION(gColorCaption, %WRITE)

                 IsMaximized = IsZoomed(hWnd)
                 IF IsMaximized = 0 THEN
                    CALL zButtonSysCommand(hWnd, MAKLNG(%ID_MAXIMIZE, 0))
                 END IF

                 FOR K = %ID_BTN_PLAY TO %ID_FULLSCREEN
                     SELECT CASE LONG K
                     CASE %ID_PlayList, %ID_Background, %ID_PlugList
                     CASE ELSE
                         CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(K), %SW_SHOW)
                     END SELECT

                 CALL CheckPluginVisibility(%TRUE)

                 IF gnAudioPause THEN
                   CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_BTN_PAUSE), %SW_SHOW)
                   CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_BTN_PLAY), %SW_HIDE)
                   CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_BTN_PLAY), %SW_SHOW)
                   CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_BTN_PAUSE), %SW_HIDE)
                 END IF

                 gColorCaption = nACTIVECAPTION

                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_CLOSE), %SW_SHOW)
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_MINIMIZE), %SW_SHOW)
                 IF IsMaximized THEN
                    CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_RESTORE), %SW_SHOW)
                    CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_MAXIMIZE), %SW_HIDE)
                    CALL ShowWindow(hWnd, %SW_RESTORE)

                    CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_MAXIMIZE), %SW_SHOW)
                    CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_RESTORE), %SW_HIDE)
                 END IF
                 CALL ShowWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_LED), %SW_SHOW)
                 CALL BassGetID3TAG(gzAudioFile)

              END IF

              '// Refresh display
              CALL zREMOVEBORDER(gbFullScreen, 1)
              CALL zDrawBackground()
              CALL EnumChildWindows(hWnd, CODEPTR(AnchorEnum), 0)
              IF gbFullScreen THEN
                 '// Detect multi-monitor
                 LOCAL hRgn, hMonitor AS LONG, tmi AS MONITORINFO
                 hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(hWnd, %MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST)
                 tmi.cbSize = SIZEOF(tmi)
                 IF GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, tmi) THEN
                    hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, tmi.rcMonitor.nRight - tmi.rcMonitor.nLeft, tmi.rcMonitor.nBottom - tmi.rcMonitor.nTop)
                    CALL SetWindowRgn(hWnd, hRgn, 0)
                    CALL MoveWindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_VISUAL), 0, 0, tmi.rcMonitor.nRight - tmi.rcMonitor.nLeft, tmi.rcMonitor.nBottom - tmi.rcMonitor.nTop - 1, 0)
                 END IF
              END IF
              CALL ResizeGLwindow(zGetMainItem(%ID_VISUAL))
              CALL zUpdateWindow(hWnd, 0)

Note the use of MonitorFromWindow and GetMonitorInfo to deal with multiple display.

About FPS, people should remember that a playing movie is "only" 24 FPS ;)

On my VISTA x64 computer the "interference" plugin in full HD mode (1920 x 1080) ranges between 16 and 30 % of the CPU resource.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Petr Schreiber

Hi Patrice,

thanks for the info!
New version works perfectly - fullscreen mode has no round corner artifacts and it is really "fullscreen".
AMD Sempron 3400+ | 1GB RAM @ 533MHz | GeForce 6200 / GeForce 9500GT | 32bit Windows XP SP3


Patrice Terrier

The Acoustic Room is a new plugin based on the work of Jürgen Huhn.

It requires two new textures:

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

QuoteMaybe do you like this Update!?

Most notebooks don't have a middle mouse button, and on my Microsoft mouse i have instead a mousewheel button in the center.

I think it would be better to use a keyboard key, like for example the "Enter" key to switch from one room to another.

Also on full HD 1920 x 1080 display, the default visualisation looks too small, making hard to see the playing music notes.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

QuoteI think it`s better! Let me now, if something wrong..

Yes, that does it, thank you.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Jürgen Huhn

Now animated Textures on the Stars!

I have update it to Next Version.. reworked the Settings of Mouse and Keyboard, added new Scene and a row of Subwoofer..

The five Subwoofer are three dimensional Objects!

Each Speaker is rendered in a Box wich is be able to rotate with the Mouse or KeyBoard.
Displaying the Settings as Text to inform the User and added a few Colormdes.

I think the first Scene is ready now..

The Source Code is included and you can read there the usage of Mouse and Keyboard.


¤ª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ª¤....¤ ª"˜¨

Patrice Terrier

Thank you Jürgen for this new contribution.

For the 60000 lurker, i wanted to translate the "Matrix Fall" project to BassBox:
but i was too short in time, perhaps for the 70000, except if someone could do it sooner ;)

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Jürgen Huhn


Thank's for the Link!

I downloaded the C++ Codes there and think it need's a while to study the complete Project..

Just reading the main.cpp file and see there is the "glu32.lib" included and have the
BBPlugin-Specifications in Mind...

Anyway, I will be check what`s possible.

¤ª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ª¤....¤ ª"˜¨

Jürgen Huhn


I`m already on the Way to translate the Matrix-Fall...

There is no Problem to render the Scene with exactly same 3D-Effects and Colors!
I can use the original Textures, but must go another Way to extract the single Letters.
¤ª"˜¨¨¯¯¨¨˜"ª¤....¤ ª"˜¨

Patrice Terrier


My own plan, was first, to translate exactly the C++ source code, then customize it to work as a BBPlugin.
I shall wait for yours, to avoid doing twice the same work ;)

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)