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Asm: Hash Code Algorithm

Started by Charles Pegge, July 29, 2008, 02:18:17 PM

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Charles Pegge

This function is used to generate a unique code from a word. Part of the hash can then be used to obtain the base indexes of linked-lists for rapid retrieval of data. I use this algorithm in Asmosphere to lookup the opcodes for the instruction set keywords.

The base index is formed from the lower 9 bits of the hash code, giving 512 base locations for a linked list. The full 32 bit hash code is used to get a precice match - traversing the linked list.

Very few steps are required to locate the data. In the case of 300 keywords, most are located within two steps.



    DIM le AS LONG
    DIM p  AS LONG
    ! xor eax,eax
    ! mov ecx, le      ' length
    ! mov edx, p       ' name pointer
    ! mov ah,  cl      ' length
    ! mov al,  [edx]   ' 1st letter
    ! shl eax, 8
    ! mov al,  [edx+1] ' 2nd letter
    !  shl eax,8
        ! rol eax,1
        ! xor al, [edx]
        ! inc edx
        ! dec ecx
        ! jg nextchar
    ! mov function,eax


MSGBOX "movups "+HEX$(hashcode("movups"))



function hashcode(s as string) as long
    dim as long le
    dim as any ptr p
    xor eax,eax
    mov ecx, [le]
    mov edx, [p]     ' name pointer
    mov ah,  cl       ' length
    mov al,  [edx]   ' 1st letter
    shl eax, 8
    mov al,  [edx+1] ' 2nd letter
    shl eax,8
        rol eax,1
        xor al, [edx]
        inc edx
        dec ecx
    jg nextchar
    mov [function],eax
    end asm
end function

Eros Olmi


I'm very interested in this function.
As you know I'm using something very similar in thinBasic to maintain and use different Hash Tables for Keywords, variables, ...
Your function is very efficient compared to mine. One problem of mine version is that I need that the hash key is a number between 1 and MaxRange where MaxRange can vary depending on the hash table (every hash table has its own max number of buckets where every bucket is a pointer to a linked list).

The following is my function compare to yours. Do you have any idea on how to improve perfomances (of mine of course  ;) yours is already very fast ).

Thanks a lot

PB Code:

#Dim All

Function hashcode(s As String) As Long
    Dim le As Long
    Dim p  As Long
    ! mov ecx, le      ' length
    ! mov edx, p       ' name pointer
    ! mov ah,  cl      ' length
    ! mov al,  [edx]   ' 1st letter
    ! shl eax, 8
    ! mov al,  [edx+1] ' 2nd letter
    !  shl eax,8
        ! rol eax,1
        ! Xor al, [edx]
        ! inc edx
        ! dec ecx
        ! jg nextchar
    ! mov Function,eax
End Function

Function HashTable_Hash(ByVal ptrKeyBuffer As Byte Ptr, ByVal MaxRange As Long) As Dword
  Static gdwN   As Dword

  gdwN = 0???
  Do While @ptrKeyBuffer
     gdwN = 31??? * gdwN + @ptrKeyBuffer
     Incr ptrKeyBuffer

  Function = gdwN Mod MaxRange + 1&

End Function

Function PBMain () As Long
  Dim Counter   As Long
  Dim MaxLoops  As Long
  Dim T1        As Double
  Dim T2        As Double
  Dim sKey      As String
  Dim pKey      As Byte Ptr
  sKey = "movups"
  pKey = StrPtr(sKey)
  MaxLoops = 1000000 
  T1 = Timer
  For counter = 1 To MaxLoops
  T2 = Timer
  MsgBox "Time to perform " & Str$(MaxLoops) & " loops: " & Format$(T2 - T1, "#0.000")

  T1 = Timer
  For counter = 1 To MaxLoops
    HashTable_Hash(pKey, 8000)
  T2 = Timer
  MsgBox "Time to perform " & Str$(MaxLoops) & " loops: " & Format$(T2 - T1, "#0.000")
End Function

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Win7Pro 64bit - 8GB Ram - Intel i7 M620 2.67GHz - NVIDIA Quadro FX1800M 1GB

Charles Pegge

Hi Eros,

Ideally the max number of buckets should be a power of 2 then you simply grab the required number of bits off the lower end of the hash. eg hash and 63 (6 bits) to use as the bucket index.

bucket=hash and 63

which is the same as:

!  mov eax,hash
!  and eax,63
!  mov bucket,eax

Taking a modulus for the address is best avoided because division is expensive (40 clocks), but supposing you needed an index for 96 buckets then you could take the first 6 bits, and add the next 5 bits. This sounds cumbersome but it is about 6 times faster than a modulus.

!  mov edx,hash
!  mov eax,edx
!  and eax,63
!  shr edx,6
!  and edx,31
!  add eax,edx
!  mov bucket,eax

bucket  now contains a value in the range 0..95.

Im am off-PC this afternoon but I hope this gives you a few hints.

Eros Olmi

Thanks a lot Charles for the help.

Having the max number of buckets a power of 2 is not a problem at all.
I normally use Hash Tables with a pre-loaded 4000 to 10000 buckets in order to sparse enough keys hash values and avoid collisions (eventually managed by linked lists)

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Win7Pro 64bit - 8GB Ram - Intel i7 M620 2.67GHz - NVIDIA Quadro FX1800M 1GB

Eros Olmi

I found some publications stating that multiple of 2 hash tables very often result into using the same bucks over and over creating a bad hash distribution.
The best situation seems using a prime number as table size.

In my search almost every hash functions generating a hash value between <1> (or zero) to <HashTableSize> use MOD.

Still searching ...

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Win7Pro 64bit - 8GB Ram - Intel i7 M620 2.67GHz - NVIDIA Quadro FX1800M 1GB

Charles Pegge

I think that depends on the hash algorithm being used. If the low order bits, used for the bucket index  are thoroughly jumbled, the distribution should be okay. I tried a number of algorithms before arriving at this one. However with a prime number modulus system you may be less sensitive to the algorithm itself.

It is quite easy to monitor the performance of the hash table by tallying  the maximum link count.

Charles Pegge

I've just done a performance check on the current Asmosphere:

There are 512 buckets and 262 ops to go in them.
only 63 of the ops required links and the maximum number of links for any bucket was 2.

When I doubled the bucket count to 1024 then only 36 ops required links with a max of 2

Applying a modulus to this hashing algorithm makes it perform very badly - it is optimised for taking the lower bits.

Charles Pegge

Best hash so far

for min 512 buckets:
262 words of which 44 require 1 link

    DIM le AS LONG
    ! xor eax,eax
    ! mov ecx, le
    ! mov edx, p       ' name pointer
    ! mov ah,  cl      ' length
    ! mov al,  [edx]   ' 1st letter
    ! cmp cl,1
    ! jz xhash
    ! shl eax,3
    ! xor al,  [edx+1] ' 2nd letter
    ! shl eax,3
        ! rol eax,1
        ! xor al, [edx]
        ! inc edx
        ! dec ecx
    ! jg nexh
    ! mov function,eax

Eros Olmi


how do you use the hash value returned by the function in order to be an index of?

thinBasic Script Interpreter - www.thinbasic.com | www.thinbasic.com/community
Win7Pro 64bit - 8GB Ram - Intel i7 M620 2.67GHz - NVIDIA Quadro FX1800M 1GB

Charles Pegge

    v=i and 511

where wd is the keyword i is the hash code and v is the bucket index

This is the instruction lookup function


function lookupc(wd as string) as long
    dim as long v,i
    v=i and 511
        if opd(v,0)=i then ' match#
            if wd=opn(v) then exit do ' confirm perfect match
        end if
        if v=-1 then ert=9:ers="Unidentified instruction: "+wd:exit do ' not found
end function

Eros Olmi

Ok, I got it, thanks.

You use overflow of keys (same hash values) on the same array where position 0 is the first bucket and position 1 is a link to the next bucket (and so on).
Mine is a much more complex structure with dynamic allocation of buckets and linked lists.
Even if quite good in speed, it is quite complex. Maybe I need to review and simplify it for better maintainability.

Thanks again.
thinBasic Script Interpreter - www.thinbasic.com | www.thinbasic.com/community
Win7Pro 64bit - 8GB Ram - Intel i7 M620 2.67GHz - NVIDIA Quadro FX1800M 1GB

Charles Pegge

Yes Eros, this is a very simple scheme and I get away with it because it is a relatively small fixed set of keywords for the instruction set. But for storing macros &  variables with - scoping, allocation and deallocation, it is a bit more complicated. I am still working out the details for Asmosphere which currently has a very simple backwards searching scheme - not even an alphabetic index. This is fine for assembling small scripts. The Opengl demo is the largest so far at 38K and the compile time is barely noticeable. But when dealing with larger programs with many system calls an efficient hashing scheme will be necessary.

This is what I am planning - using a three part array instead of two. The function returns an index to the global macro list (or -1).
It does not matter if the hashes are not unique - the keyword match is always confirmed.

Charles Pegge

This snippet of code, now operational, shows the hash coder, the lookup function and the hashtable/linked list builder. These are retro-fitted to accelerate a number of search loops in the assembler.

type hashref
  h as long   ' hash code
  l  as long   ' linked list index
  m as long  ' macro list index
end type

dim shared mach(4095) as hashref
dim shared as long   mle=512 ' macro link list end boundary

function hashcode(s as string) as long
    dim as long le
    dim as any ptr p
    xor eax,eax
    mov ecx, [le]
    mov edx, [p]     ' name pointer
    mov ah,  cl      ' length
    mov al,  [edx]   ' 1st letter
    cmp cl,1
    jz xhash
    shl eax,3
    xor al,  [edx+1] ' 2nd letter
    shl eax,3
        rol eax,1
        xor al, [edx]
        inc edx
        dec ecx
    jnz nexh
    mov [function],eax
    end asm
end function

function lookupm(wd as string) as long
    dim as long f,v,i,k
    v=i and 511
    f=-1 ' find last match in chain
        if mach(v).h=i then ' match#
            if k>=me then mach(v).h=0:mach(v).l=0  ' out of scope so break the chain
            if (k<me)and(wd=macs(k,0)) then f=k ' match candidate
        end if
        if v<512 then exit do ' no more in linked list
end function

sub addm(byval m as long)
    dim as long i,j,k,t
    i=hashcode(macs(m,0)): if i=0 then ers="zero hash failure: "+macs(m,0):ert=13:exit sub
    j=i and 511
        if (mach(j).l<=0)or(mach(j).l>=mle)or(mach(j).m>=me) then
            if mle>=4095 then ers="Too many entities to include "+macs(m,0):ert=13:exit do
            if (j>=512)or(mach(j).h<>0) then mach(j).l=mle:j=mle:mle+=1
            mach(j).h=i:mach(j).l=0:mach(j).m=m: exit do ' added to chain
        end if
        j=mach(j).l ' next in chain
    if t>lmax then lmax=t
end sub