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PowerBASIC's TypeLib Registration Behavior

Started by Frederick J. Harris, November 12, 2010, 07:22:31 PM

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Frederick J. Harris

Hi Jose!

    I just noticed with the work I did just yesterday with the Visual Basic 6 ActiveX Dll conversion that when PowerBASIC registers a COM Dll which has a TypeLib embedded within it, it doesn't seem to create a TypeLib subkey under the CLSID.  At least it didn't in the work I just did where I was just creating direct IUnknown interfaces (no IDispatch, IAutomation, or Dual).  What seems to happen then is your TypeLib browser, PowerBASIC's, and also Visual Basic 6 doesn't come up with the listing for the type lib automatically.  One must search for it with the provided dialog box.  Is this normal behavior or something anomalous I'm seeing?  Apparently all these tools don't just look under the TypeLib key.  They don't recognize a TypeLib (at least as far as immediately adding it to their GUI displayed lists) unless the CLSID\typelib key is there. 

José Roca

Apparently all these tools don't just look under the TypeLib key.

They look under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib subtree to retrieve the path of the typelib, that is what its used to load the typelib. Of course, they also look in other subtrees to retrieve and display as much information as they can, but only the path is absolutely needed; otherwise, they could not load an unregistered typelib from disk.