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BassBox NET Radio

Started by Patrice Terrier, August 26, 2011, 08:44:58 PM

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Patrice Terrier

BassBox Version 2.63, does Internet Radio, using a slighty different BBP (BassBox PlayList).

Warning, this a patch only, you must have installed first the complete BassBox version 2.60 package.

Inside of the attached ZIP file, you will find:

  • BassBox.exe (version 2.63)
  • NetRadioFR.bbp (With a list of French speaking radio)
  • NetRadioUK.bbp (With a list of English speaking radio)

Examples of BBP using the BassBox <NET Radio TAG>:

http://www.alouette.fr/alouette.m3u                                       <Alouette|NET Radio (128k)|Hits>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/start-adofm-high.mp3.m3u                  <Ado Fm|NET Radio (128k)|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/centpourcent/all/centpourcent-128k.mp3       <#Cent pour cent|NET Radio (128k)|Rock>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/cherie_fm/all/che_124310.mp3                 <#Cherie FM (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/rsr-couleur3-high.aac                      <RSR Couleur3|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/franceculture/all/franceculturehautdebit.mp3 <France Culture|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/franceinfo/all/franceinfo.mp3                <France Info|NET Radio|Info>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/franceinter/all/franceinterhautdebit.mp3     <France Inter|NET Radio|Info>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/francemusique/all/francemusiquehautdebit.mp3 <France Musique|NET Radio|Culture>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/francevivace/all/francevivacehautdebit.mp3   <France Vivace|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/radioo-128k.mp3                      <RFO radio|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfoguadeloupe-128k.mp3               <RFO Guadeloupe|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfo_guyane-128k.mp3                  <RFO Guyane|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfomartinique-128k.mp3               <RFO Martinique|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfomayotte-48k.mp3                   <RFO Mayotte|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfo_nouvellecaledonie-128k.mp3       <RFO Nouvelle Calédonie|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfo_polynesie-128k.mp3               <RFO Polynésie|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfo_reunion-128k.mp3                 <RFO Réunion|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfospm-48k.mp3                       <RFO Saint-Pierre et Miquelon|NET Radio|Info>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/rfo/all/rfowallis-32k.mp3                    <RFO Wallis et Futuna|NET Radio|Info>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/frequencejazz-high.mp3                     <Fréquence Jazz|NET Radio|Jazz>
http://ouifm.ice.infomaniak.ch/ouifm-high.aac                             <Ouï FM (aac)|NET Radio|Live>
http://ouifm2.ice.infomaniak.ch/ouifm2.mp3                                <Ouï FM 2 (mp3)|NET Radio|Alternativ rock>
http://ouifm3.ice.infomaniak.ch/ouifm3.mp3                                <Ouï FM 3 (mp3)|NET Radio|Classic rock>
http://ouifm4.ice.infomaniak.ch/ouifm4.aac                                <Ouï FM 4 (aac)|NET Radio|Blues>
http://ouifm5.ice.infomaniak.ch/ouifm5.aac                                <Ouï FM 5 (aac)|NET Radio|Rock indé>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/nostalgie/all/nos_113812.mp3                 <#Nostalgie (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>
http://mp3.live.tv-radio.com/nrj/all/nrj_113225.mp3                       <#NRJ (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>   
http://www.oxyradio.net:8000/hd.mp3                                       <Oxy Radio (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.net:80/radioclassique-high.mp3                <Radio Classique (mp3)|NET Radio|Classic>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/radionova-high.mp3                        <Radio Nova (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.net:80/tsfjazz-high.mp3                       <TSF (mp3)|NET Radio|Jazz>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/start-sud-high.mp3                         <Sud Radio (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>
http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/radioespace-high.mp3                      <Radio Espace|NET Radio|Live>

NetRadioUK.bbp     <RockRadio1|NET Radio (192k)|Rock>
http://www.ah.fm/192k.m3u               <Afterhours|NET Radio (192k)|Electronic-Trance>
http://mp3-a0-192.as34763.net:80/       <Absolute Radio|NET Radio (192k)|Contemporary Rock>
http://mp3-ac-192.as34763.net:80/       <Absolute Radio - Home of the Great British Guarentee|NET Radio (192k)|Classic Rock>
http://stream.oasisradiogroup.com/ccrr1.mp3.m3u <Circle City Rock|NET Radio (128k)|Rock>     <Classic Rock Radio|NET Radio|Rock>    <DJ Tucci Radio|NET Radio|Classic Rock>
http://cp2.internet-radio.org.uk:30115/listen.pls <Hot 100 Radio 8.28|NET Radio (128k)|Hot Hits>

So far, the format of the TAG is quite simple, it must be put at the end of the line matching a specific URL, and enclosed within "<" and ">", and is composed of  three sections delimited with the ALT124 "|" character.
Section 1 = The name of the Radio (followed by the type of stream extension.
Section 2 = should be "NET Radio" but you can change it to whatever you want.
Section 3 = The type of the NET Radio: Jazz, Rock, Blues, Info, Live, Hit, etc.


  • version 2.63, support more URL extensions (asx,pls,m3u).
  • version 2.62, the BassBox TAG sections could be replaced, by the data found in the ICY/HTTP header, however you can still force using the TAG, if you prefix the first section with a "#" like this: <#Nostalgie (mp3)|NET Radio|Live>

I shall provide more URL(s) as i collect them.

Of course if you could contribute with more URL's RADIO, i think that would be nice to post them here.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Dubravko Tuckoric

Hi Patrice,
When I start BassBox.exe it signal that bass.dll file is missing. Where to find it??

Patrice Terrier

This is not a complete BassBox setup, just a patch!

Thus you must install first the full package, and unzip the patch into the BassBox version 2.60 folder.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Dubravko Tuckoric

Merci c'est ca.  C'est pour la premieure fois que je le use.

Patrice Terrier


It was my mistake, i should have specified that the whole package should be installed first, before to apply the patch.

I have further plans to parse the data comming along from NET Radio URL.

I am currenty cleaning my house, and inspecting my roof, because we had a big storm yesterday, i plan to post more URL(s) once done.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Dubravko Tuckoric

I can not see any mistake of your part. May be a litle "oubliette". But it do not matter in front of your very nice  BassBox program.  I am not first to say it : your solutions are excelant - on both side - software and visual. And this applay to all of your solutions (WinLift, GDImage..).
I hope that storm do not produce big damage to your house.

Patrice Terrier

The first post of this thread has been updated with a new patch for version 2.62

What is new in this patch:

  • The "Record" button is shown only when playing NET Radio.
  • Using of ICY/HTTP header to get more details about the NET Radio being played.
  • Display the Bitrate used by the NET Radio.
  • NetRadioFR.bbp has been updated with more radio.

By the way, the storm kept me busy for five hours on my roof, as i had to check all the tiles and must changed some of them.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

The first post of this thread has been updated with a new patch to version 2.63

This version is able to manage more NET Radio URL extensions: asx, pls, m3u, and direct IP address.

It is provided with a new NetRadioUK.bbp (english speaking radio), with several high 192k bitrate stations.

For example "Afterhours" is a 192k Electronic-Trance radio, that is pushing the plugins to the limit, fortunatly BassBox is fast enough to handle everything.  ;)

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)