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Started by Patrice Terrier, October 08, 2007, 10:57:44 PM

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Petr Schreiber


really great plugins again!

Charles - CPU load is ok on my PC, great!
Maybe you could use mipmapping or aniso for the Vulcan object ?
This will eliminate unwanted "pixel dance" on inclined polygons and could also lead to much smoother look ?

AMD Sempron 3400+ | 1GB RAM @ 533MHz | GeForce 6200 / GeForce 9500GT | 32bit Windows XP SP3


Kent Sarikaya

I never really checked the cpu usage, but I have had no problems with Vulcan or anything that stood out as strange. I will install the new one after I look at the old one for awhile to see if I notice anything.

You guys are so good, not only to come up with neat stuff but then to go back and optimize and optimize, the masters at work!

Patrice Terrier

I have added more features to the new "Light Show" plugin.

See in popcorn.zip the OGG audio file to play with it.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier


I still have problems with Vulcan on VISTA in full screen mode: causing sound distortion and jerky move.


Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Charles Pegge

Thanks for the feedback.

Here's another version of Vulcan which reduces 'dancing pixels' on the sloping terrain and I hope will improve the sound situation in Vista.

Making use of the GDIplus Thumbnail function, I have brought the texture resolution down to 128x128. Since I use the texture hundreds of times, this will substantially reduce the image rendering load on the GPU and whatever other machinations are imposed by Vista.

Patrice Terrier


The last version of Vulcan has solved the problems!
Now i got 66 FPS even in full screen, and without any sound distortion.

Could you do the same for Soundscape?


--Light Show II

What do you think would be the best way to detect when the PulseAngle is reaching 90° (to swap the textures).
I am currenty doing this:


PulseAngle = (PulseAngle + pulse) MOD 360

IF PulseAngle \ 90 = 1 AND WasPulse < 90 THEN INCR TT: IF TT > 7 THEN TT = 0
IF TT = 0 THEN TT = 1

WasPulse = PulseAngle


Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Kent Sarikaya

Thanks for the new files guys. All works fine and dandy!

Petr Schreiber


it works very fast now. I think the texture size should not hurt performance so much, maybe the original filtering fell for some reason to SW render?

Now it looks very nice!

Patrice, thanks for new music :)

AMD Sempron 3400+ | 1GB RAM @ 533MHz | GeForce 6200 / GeForce 9500GT | 32bit Windows XP SP3


Charles Pegge

This Soundscape has been extensively rewritten. It is a much smaller DLL and compiles landscape ribbons into glLists - regenerating only one ribbon per frame. It also uses very small textures (16x16), generated from scratch. So  it will sit lightly on most systems, I hope.

Works well with the new music.

PS: Updated soundscape.zip posted further down

Charles Pegge

Patrice: RE:


PulseAngle = (PulseAngle + pulse) MOD 360

IF PulseAngle \ 90 = 1 AND WasPulse < 90 THEN INCR TT: IF TT > 7 THEN TT = 0
IF TT = 0 THEN TT = 1

WasPulse = PulseAngle

I have recently developed an allergy to long division: (CPU and FPU divs take about 50 clocks!). It is now part of my New Year's resolutions to advocate avoiding it wherever  possible.

but this should do the same job:

PulseAngle=PulseAngle + Pulse
IF PulseAngle>360 THEN PulseAngle = PulseAngle -360: INCR TT: IF TT > 7 THEN TT = 0
' then adjust glRotate3f to get the 90 degree changeover

Patrice Terrier

PulseAngle=PulseAngle + Pulse
IF PulseAngle>360 THEN PulseAngle = PulseAngle -360: INCR TT: IF TT > 7 THEN TT = 0
' then adjust glRotate3f to get the 90 degree changeover


I come to the same conclusion and wrote that one

         IF PulseAngle > 360 THEN PulseAngle = PulseAngle -360
         IF PulseAngle > 90 AND WasPulse < 90 THEN INCR TT: IF TT > 7 THEN TT = 0
         IF TT = 0 THEN TT = 1
         WasPulse = PulseAngle

Thank you
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier


The new Soundscape works now at 66 FPS in full screen mode, without any sound distortion, good job!

Just one thing, I liked better the white color than this green one...

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Kent Sarikaya

It is really flickering for me now, the new soundscape. Have no idea why?

Charles Pegge

This is how it appears on my PC.

It renders on alternate frames like Vulcan, and should run very smoothly without flickering and very low pixelation effects. The transparent blue layers cause a small tonal change every second or so but this should not be noticible unless you are looking for it.

I can't see any other causes of flickering at present, but maybe in the early hours..
Can you describe what the flickering is like, Kent: frequency, regularity etc?

The texture can be turned off by suppressing one line in the Render_scene subroutine:

                 glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D
                 glCallList stt+16
                 glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D

Charles Pegge

I found an extra Glend which should not have been there. This could be disruptive, and may have caused the flicker problem that Kent found on his system.

So here is a corrected version.

The blue overlays have now been made static. It removes the slight tonal twitch that occurs every few seconds.

The coloring is not perfect but I will be working on it.

PS: Please see further down (page 26?) for updates and corrections